The ongoing Tokyo Olympics is the latest sporting event where taking the knee by players has made its way in. Athletes at these Games are allowed to protest after the International Olympic Committee relaxed Rule 50, which previously forbade athletes to make any kind of “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.” It follows the Euro 2020 where knee taking by English footballers stirred a political debate, but eventually won over the argument against racial injustices. These are powerful imprints of the social movement Black Lives Matter. No wonder the editors of Oxford Dictionary, in 2017, added the changed meaning of the word ‘woke’ to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism from its traditional usage as past participle of ‘’wake’’. It became popular as the anti-racism movement Black Lives Matter (BLM) started using hashtag #StayWoke on social media. But many others, particularly the conservatives, deride the te...