সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Why we need to rethink the Press Council

The ongoing debate on the proposed amendment of the Bangladesh Press Council Act appears to be quite strange, as the initiator of the amendment, the Council itself, has been embroiled in  controversy. Its refusal to share the latest draft amendment, which has been approved in principle by the cabinet, despite being requested by the highest body of professional journalists - the Editors Council - raises serious questions about the Press Council’s the intention. The move first came to light in early April, when the current chairman of the Press Council, Justice Nizamul Haque Nasim, announced publicly that the law would contain provisions for penalising journalists up to Tk 10 lakh for false reporting. However, the cabinet, while giving its nod to the amendments, has reportedly changed the terms of penalties.  

The current controversy over the proposed legislation seems to be revolving around following questions: 1) What is the reason for a sudden rush to amend the existing law? 2) Why so much secrecy? 3) Why are journalists not getting an opportunity to see and express their opinion about a law that will affect them the most? 4) Why do we need another stringent law to punish journalists and the press for alleged violations of ethics and mistakes?  


The official explanation for the need for such a law is to combat spread of misinformation and fake news. Unfortunately, this argument is wholly misplaced. It has been proven time and again that the mainstream newspapers have stricter gatekeeping mechanisms in place, and most of the misinformation spreads through non-traditional media, social media and other platforms on the net. Besides, the media should not be held responsible for reporting misleading claims made by politicians and public figures. 

The secrecy surrounding the legislative process is quite shocking, as the council failed to provide the original draft and meeting proceedings, where the decision was taken to request the government for amending the 1974 law. The draft could have been published either by the Cabinet Division or the Information Ministry - as was asked by the Editors Council and Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) - but neither has done so,. 

The Press Council, in response to the plea by the Editors Council to publish the draft, issued a press release on August 23, claiming that the process for amending the act began in 2005. It further claims that the draft was agreed upon at a general meeting of the council attended by representatives of the journalists’ union, the Editors’ Council and the owners’ association. According to the press release, the draft was published on the information ministry’s website on September 18, 2019 for public consultation. But, many members of the council expressed their ignorance about such a draft. A prominent member of the council reportedly  said that the issue was discussed in the previous committees of the council. A BSS report on July 3 quoted Information Minister Hasan Mahmud telling the newly formed Editors Forum, that “the Press Council has already taken initiative over the issues placed by the Editors Forum.” He was responding to a 10-point demand submitted to him by the Editors Forum. These stories indicate that empowering the Press Council to sentence journalists, is not something out of the blue, rather a result of a long-term plan. 

Now comes the most crucial question, why does the government want to bring in another harsher law? , As surmised by this paper’s editor, Mahfuz Anam, who is also the president of the Editors Council, “ There are more laws to restrict journalism and free speech than there are laws to restrict terrorism, smuggling, money laundering, food adulteration, selling fake medicine, etc.” According to him, at present, there are nine laws that directly or indirectly affect the media, and including the Press Council (amendment) four more are in the offing. 

The Bangladesh Press Council and similar institutions in other countries have at least two marked differences in their characteristics: the level of independence, and funding. The oldest press regulatory body in our part of the world is the Press Council of India, which was founded in 1966, is purely an independent self-regulatory body in its true sense. It was abolished during the emergency, but was re-established in 1980 with the same objectives. Those objectives are:  Preserving the freedom of the press, and maintaining and improving the standards of newspapers and the news agencies in India. 

The Press Council of India is empowered to adjudicate on complaint cases it receives, either against the press for violation of journalistic ethics or by the press for interference with its freedom. It can warn, admonish or censure an editor or working journalist who commits any professional misconduct, but has no power to impose any financial penalty or awarding prison terms. It is also empowered to make such observations as it may think fit in respect of the conduct of any authority, including the government, for interfering with the freedom of press. The 28-member council does not have any place for bureaucrats or government officials, but holds MPs from both the ruling party and the opposition instead. The Press Council of India gets funding from a levy imposed on newspapers and agencies according to their circulation and turnovers, which helps ensure its independence. It also receives grants in aid from the central government.  

In the UK, the Press Council was renamed, in the later part of the last century, as the Press Complaints Commission. But against the background of scandals of violation of personal privacy of citizens, two new organisations - IPSO and Impress - have emerged replacing the PCC. Some newspapers are members of the Independent Press Standards Association (IPSO), while others are members of Impress. Neither of the two institutions has any representation from the  government, and the government has no role in regulating them. Many European news organisations, too, have voluntarily joined one of these two UK based self-regulatory bodies. 

Though the Press Council Act, 1974 appears to be identical to the Indian Press Council Act, particularly in relation to objectives and composition of the council, it doesn’t have the freedom to review interference from any other authority - statutory or otherwise - and the government. It is also fully dependent on government funding. As a result, its independence to act as a self-regulatory body remains susceptible to government interference. Media reports also suggest that the proposed amendment of the act expands the council to 16 members in which the majority representation will outnumber journalists and significantly increase the potential of governmental influence.    

We have ignored our needs for effective self-regulation for too long, and the government has taken this opportunity to replace the practice with putting in greater control on regulating the media to its own advantage. The changes we need are to allow the press more freedom, instead of penalising for trivial lapses to advance the government's political agenda.It is an opportunity to start anew, instead of what was passed on to the new chairman of the Press Council. We would strongly argue that the regressive draft should be withdrawn and a large scale consultation should be launched to find a way forward for better self-regulation to protect press freedom and improve the standard of journalism in the country.  

(Published in the Daily Star on August 29,2022)


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

Bangladesh is vexed by and wary of Modi’s unstinting support to Sheikh Hasina

In the run-up to Bangladesh’s general election in January 2014, New Delhi took the unusual step of sending a top diplomat from its external affairs ministry to Dhaka to persuade General Hussain Muhammaed Ershad, the country’s former military ruler, to participate in the polls. Big questions had been raised over the fairness of the election. The incumbent government was led by Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League, and the leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) had been placed under virtual house arrest, with police and roadblocks around her house in Dhaka. The BNP and other opposition parties were threatening to boycott the election. Ershad, the head of the Jatiya Party, was perceived as a potential kingmaker, able to bring to power whichever of Bangladesh’s two main parties he supported, but he was also threatening to withdraw from the election.  After a decade of Modi’s reign in India, people in Bangladesh are angry at their government cosying up to a Hindutva regime ...

অরাজনৈতিক আন্দোলনের করুণ রাজনৈতিক মূল্য

কোটা সংস্কারের দাবিতে সাধারণ ছাত্র–ছাত্রীদের আন্দোলনে  কদিন ধরে যা ঘটে চলেছে, তা যেমন বেদনাদায়ক, তেমনই নিন্দনীয় ও ক্ষোভের কারণ। আন্দোলনকারী শিক্ষার্থীদের শিক্ষা দিতে ক্ষমতাসীন সরকারের সমর্থক এবং আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাবাহিনীর হাতে একইদিনে দেশের তিন জায়গায় ছয়জনের প্রাণহানির ঘটনা স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশে বিরল।  এবার আরও যেসব ঘটনা আমাদের স্তম্ভিত করেছে, অভিভাবকদের চোখ অশ্রুসিক্ত করেছে, এসব মৃত্যুর পরও সরকারের রাজনৈতিক দম্ভ বজায় রাখার চেষ্টা, যা আরও প্রাণহানির কারণ হয়েছে। ছয়জন তরুণের প্রাণ বিসর্জনের পরও কোটা সংস্কারের দাবিতে সরকার ”নীতিগতভাবে একমত” – একথাটি বলে  আলোচনায় না ডেকে সময়ক্ষেপণ করেছে। আইনমন্ত্রী কথাটি যখন বললেন, তার আগেই আরও জীবন গেল, শত শত মানুষ আহত হলো, দেশের সম্পদ নষ্ট হলো। রাজনৈতিক গরিমা ছাড়া এর আর কোনো কারণ আছে কি? ছাত্রলীগ পরিচয়ে অন্ত্রধারীদের তান্ডব, পুলিশের চরম নিষ্ঠুরতা এবং ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়সহ বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠানে ছাত্রীদের গড়পরতা মারধর ও লাঞ্চিত করার যে দৃশ্যগুলো গণমাধ্যমে প্রকাশ পেয়েছে, তা কোনো অভিভাবকের পক্ষেই ভোলা সম্ভব নয়। এসব ঘটনার বিবরণ উদ্ধৃত না করে শুধু নিষ্ঠুর ...

আনুপাতিক প্রতিনিধিত্বে স্বৈরশাসকের ফেরা সহজ

  গণতন্ত্রে উত্তরণে ব্যর্থতা ও স্বৈরতন্ত্রের নিকৃষ্টতম রুপ প্রত্যক্ষ করার পর অর্ন্তবর্তী সরকারের মেয়াদকালে যে সব বিষয়ে সংস্কারের আলোপ চলছে, তার মধ্যে অন্যতম হচ্ছে নির্বাচনব্যবস্থা। এরশাদের সামরিক স্বৈরাচারের পতনের পর নির্বাচনকে গণতন্ত্র চর্চার মাধ্যম হিসাবে যেভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠার কথা ছিল, তা থেকে প্রধান দুই দলই বিচ্যূত হয়েছিল। পরিণতিতে নির্বাচন শুধু ক্ষমতা দখলের হিংসাত্মক খেলায় পরিণত হয় এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত শেখ হাসিনার আওয়ামী লীগ সাধারণ মানুষের ভোটের অধিকার হরণ করে নির্বাচনকে নানা রকম প্রহসনে পরিণত করে।  এই সমস্যার এক অতি সরলীকৃত সমাধান হিসাবে বলা হচ্ছে, দ্বিদলীয় রাজনীতির বৃত্ত থেকে বেরিয়ে দেশে সত্যিকার বহুদলীয় গণতন্ত্র প্রতিষ্ঠা করতে হবে। আর বহুদলীয় গণতন্ত্রের জন্য নির্বাচনব্যবস্থায় আনুপাতিক প্রতিনিধিত্বের ধারণাকে একমাত্র বা চূড়ান্ত সমাধান হিসাবে তুলে ধরা হচ্ছে।  সংখ্যানুপাতিক বা আনুপাতিক প্রতিনিধিত্ব পদ্ধতির নির্বাচনে একটি দল যত শতাংশ ভোট পাবে, সে অনুপাতে তারা সংসদের আসন পাবে। এ আনুপাতিক পদ্ধতিতে প্রার্থীদের নাম দল আগাম ঘোষণা করতেও পারে, আবার না–ও পারে। নাম প্রকাশ করা হলে সেটা হব...